Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fave Things from Last Nights' Palin Speech

I'm not going to get too political here. This is mostly because I am undecided due to my procrastination in thoroughly researching all of the candidates. Ultimately there is great peace in knowing that God is in control and the decision has already been made regarding who will lead us. We are simply to fulfill our end of the deal by registering to vote and educating ourselves on and praying for ALL the candidates before we cast our ballots (there are Independent, Libertarian, Constitution and Green Party candidates too you know!) I will be doing that and encourage you to do so as well. Contrary to what many believe, I do NOT believe that any vote that is cast is a wasted vote. So, vote for who YOU think should be the president. Do not compromise and simply vote for who you think will win simply because you have been bullied into thinking it is a lost cause to do otherwise. That is not good for your conscience or our country.

(Stumbles off her makeshift soapbox)

With that being said, here are my fave things about Palin's speech:

1) Sarah Palin's outfit

If I were running for office this year, this is probably the exact outfit I would select. The perfect blend of fashionable and professional. Way to go SP!

2) Piper Palin grooming her baby brother

Seriously?!?!? Is this not the cutest clip ever?!?!? I can't take it. She is so precious.

I think Jon put it best when he said, "way to focus on the issues, Linds."

Piper Palin '08!


Allison said...

Piper Palin for Prez :)

jon. said...

Man, Tina Fey has to do a guest spot and play her in a sketch. They look so much alike. I agree she looked really good.

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